Potential Bus for Midweek (EP) Days

Dear Artists,

We are examining the concept of engaging a bus and trailer for transporting painters with gear, partners and maybe the public to workshops and paint outs in the EP week, that is 23rd to 26th September.

The concept might comprise the following points, however we need to know the level of interest by end March, and we also need to gain your commitment via buying tickets by mid-June.

There are two ideas we are prepared to investigate, one for a four-day schedule (23rd – 26th Sept) and the second is for a single day (Wed 24th Sept, a quiet day in between workshops).

The main points are:

  • The transport comprises bus, large trailer for your gear, and driver.
  • The daily journey comprises an 8am pick up in Mandurah at ManPAC, stopping at the workshop location for workshop student drop off.
  • Possibly, proceeding to a paintable location for the morning, then a lunch stop and a second paintable location. Returning to pick up at workshop students and return to Mandurah.
  • Pre purchase ticket, which could be transferable or shared on other days (partner?).
  • A four-day ticket would cost around $200 each if the bus is close to full. The single day on Wednesday would be around $50-60.
  • If painters purchase a ticket and the concept does not happen, there will be a 100% refund in July.

We think the idea will increase the camaraderie and fun amongst artists, and might appeal to visitors from overseas, and interstate, and maybe WA people who don’t want to drive, but it needs to gain enough support to be viable.

If it does not get enough interest, we will arrange car-pooling for registered non-WA painters like last year.

Please indicate your potential interest for either option (4-day or 1-day) by emailing pleinairdownunder@gmail.com with your contact details, by end of March 2025.