Presented by Plein Air Down Under.

Alcoa Mandurah Art Gallery, Mandurah Performing Arts Centre

9 Ormsby Terrace, Mandurah

7 September to 6 October 2024 

The ‘Spirit of the Landscape’ Exhibition marks the commencement of  Plein Air Down Under, Australia’s largest annual outdoor painting festival.

The exhibition celebrates the vast landscapes of rural, regional and remote Australia and the landscapes in which our invited artists work.

‘Plein air’ artists have a profound respect for the land, the natural environment and the stories of community that emerge from the landscape.  They tell those stories through their paintings, portraying a moment in real time by capturing the spirit and essence of a landscape or subject by incorporating natural light, colour and movement.

This exhibition is a not-to-be-missed celebration of art, nature and the indelible connection between artists and the landscapes they depict.  Admission to the exhibition is free, ensuring everyone can experience the beauty and inspiration that ‘Spirit of the Landscape’ has to offer.

Celebrating the vast landscapes of rural, regional and remote Australia, through the eyes of exhibiting artists.

Invited artists are a curated selection of Plein Air Down Under Feature Artists, Award Winners and/or Guest Artists, ensuring a high standard of work while acknowledging the artists’ continued involvement and support of Plein Air Down Under.

Presenting the Spirit of the Landscape 2024 Exhibiting Artists

Lori Putnam (USA), Tony Robinson (Ireland), Matt Ryder (UAE), Leon Holmes, Andy Dolphin, Gordon Alexander, Andy Conlin, Leanne Pearson, Susan Penfold, Tiffany Forster, Jos Coufreur, Sam Swadling and Peter Studley.

Meanwhile, view the works of the 2023 Spirit of The Landscape Exhibition in this gallery.