Recap of the events and activities held for Plein Air Down Under 2024.

7 September 2.30 pm: Spirit of the Landscape Exhibition opening.
7 & 8 September 10am to 2pm: International World-Wide Paint Out, Mandjar Square Mandurah.
The following activities were held or artists could paint at any time, provided boards were stamped prior.
16 & 17 September: Lori Putnam (USA) Masterclass #1, Plein Air Right from the Start.
17 September onwards: PADU Experience Peel Self-directed Paint anywhere in the Peel Region.
17 September: PADU Experience Peel Paint Out #1 – Caraholly Orchard Dwellingup, or anywhere in the Peel Region.
18 September: Tony Robinson (Ireland) Masterclass, Mastering the Painted Portrait.
18 September: PORTRAIT NIGHT. Bring your painting gear and we will provide the model for a fun night of portrait painting.
18 September: PADU Experience Peel Paint Out #2 – anywhere in the Peel Region.
19 & 20 September: Leon Holmes Oil Painting Masterclass, en Plein Air.
19 & 20 September: Lori Putnam (USA) Masterclass #2, Plein air, Resource Material or Finished Product.
19 September: PADU Experience Peel Paint Out #3 – Fairbridge Village, or anywhere in the Peel Region.
20 September: Andy Dolphin (Mt Barker) Workshop, Drawing for Plein Air Painting.
20 September: Gordon Alexander (Perth) Workshop, Watercolour in the Landscape.
20 September: PADU Experience Peel Paint Out #4 – Doddi’s Beach Halls Head, or anywhere in the Peel Region.
20 September: Meet & Greet and Artist Orientation in the gardens of the Leon Holmes Gallery. Included in Ticket price.
DAY ONE | Sat 21 Sept 2024 | Mandurah presented by Ray White Mandurah
Mandurah Performing Arts Centre, everyone welcome
The following activities were held or artists could paint at any time, provided boards were stamped prior.
9.00am onwards
- Artist registration and board stamping.
- Watch the artists painting within the festival footprint.
- Information session for first time artists.
- Coffee Cart provided by Ray White Mandurah.
- Spirit of the Landscape Exhibition.
10am – 12 noon Tony Robinson (Ireland) Portrait Painting Demonstrations.
1.00 – 3.00pm Lori Putnam (USA) Art Business Workshop “So, You Want to be a Professional”. Sponsored by Mandurah Arts Festival.
3.00 – 6.00pm Artists painting around the Mandurah Performing Arts Centre, Boardwalk Precinct and Dolphin Quay Marina.
3.00 – 6.00pm FREE ACTIVITIES, outside Mandurah Performing Arts Centre.
- Have a go Watercolour Activity for grown ups, with Artists Robyn Lowry & Roy Harris.
- Live music with Jacob Pihema
- Ray White Mandurah children’s colouring activity and Face Painting
- Bendigo Bank children’s art activity
- City of Mandurah Youth Zone, with art activities and giant games
6pm onwards, inside Mandurah Performing Arts Centre
- Artist artwork delivery between 5 – 7pm
- Bar open.
- Feature Artist Panel Discussion at 6.45pm
- Ray White Mandurah Door Prize.
DAY TWO | SUN 22 Sept 2024 | PINJARRA
Edenvale Heritage Precinct and Town Centre, Pinjarra
The following activities were held or artists could paint at any time, provided boards were stamped prior.
9.00am to 1pm Peel Produce Market.
10am onwards
- Watch the artists painting along the Pinjarra Heritage Trail.
- Free Have-a-Go watercolour activity for grown-ups with Artists Robyn Lowry & Roy Harris.
- Free Children’s art activity, with Artist Suzy Galloway
- Nu.Arts Collective at Liveringa Gallery.
11.00am Tony Robinson free painting demo: People in the Landscape.
1.00pm Lori Putnam free painting demo: Being Bold, not Sloppy.
2.30pm Leon Holmes free painting demo: Capturing the Light.
12 noon – 4pm Live music with Best Friends Music Duo.
5pm onwards Artist artwork delivery at Mandurah Performing Arts Centre.
6pm onwards Meet with the artists at the Oceanic Bar and Grill.
Need transportation to the site? Email to advise.
DAY THREE | MON 23 Sept 2024 | Mandurah
Mandjar Square, outside the Mandurah Performing Arts Centre
8.00am onwards Coffee and breakfast van on site
8.30am – 9.30am Quick Draw registration and board stamping
10am to 12 noon Two Hour Quick Draw Painting Competition
12.15pm – 1.00 pm Quick Draw Judging, Awards, Easel Exhibition and Sales
Inside Mandurah Performing Arts Centre, everyone welcome (Monday)
1pm Artists “Lanyards for Lunch”
1.30pm onwards
- Festival Art Exhibition Opens
- Major Awards Presentations
- Artwork sales
Ticket Information:
FREE – to watch, participate in Have a Go activities and enjoy the festivities
QUICK DRAW ONLY – Two Hour Painting Competition on Monday 23 September $20. Register here or on the day.
FULL FESTIVAL TICKET – Participate, Paint, Exhibit, Sell at all events in September, including Quick Draw.
Adults $77.50 Register here
Youth aged 18 and under, 13 – 18: $10 Register here
24 September: Experience Peel Paint Out #5 – location tba.
24 September: Lori Putnam (USA) Masterclass #3, Fix It, Scrap It, or Use It. Register here
Continuing to October 6: Spirit of the Landscape Exhibition and Festival Weekend exhibitions, Mandurah Performing Arts Centre